by Bobi | Jan 11, 2017 | The latest from the project, The story so far
Creating a resilient local economy in 2016 2016 was a great year for Kingston Pound with more business and users signing up. We can now reveal that since March 2015 more than £8,000 has been spent using Kingston Pounds. With just over £6,000 converted we can now...
by Bobi | Jan 3, 2017 | The latest from the project, The story so far
We’re delighted to announce Love Kingston as our charity partner for 2017. Love Kingston will receive 1% from every K£ transaction. The more money spent using the local currency, the more that we can raise for this great local organisation. Why partner? Both...
by Bobi | Nov 22, 2016 | The latest from the project, The story so far
We are delighted to welcome Kingston Chamber of Commerce as new members. A valuable link to the business community that are now accepting K£ as payment for membership and event attendance. Spending your Kingston Pounds with Kingston Chamber Kingston Chamber of...
by Bobi | Oct 25, 2016 | The latest from the project, The story so far
We always meant to establish ourselves as a CIC – Community Interest Company. It is important that a project like ours, involving money, are a properly established and efficiently run entity. Converting a few thousand into Kingston Pounds is one thing that can be...
by Bobi | Oct 21, 2016 | The latest from the project, The story so far
We could receive up to £25,000 to help fund the next steps of our project but we need your help. So what can you do to help? Vote for us Please register to vote for K£ in the Aviva Community Fund by following this link: Spread the word Download...
by Bobi | Nov 5, 2015 | The latest from the project, The story so far
Businesses accepting K£ from the public and of course other businesses can now use K£ to pay their Business Rates to the Royal Borough of Kingston Council. We are very excited with this development as we are certain it will assist the wider circulation of Kingston...
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